The Role of Stress Relief for Women 50 Plus: Wellness, Weight Loss and Pain Free Aging Aug 07, 2024

Stress comes in all shapes and forms. There’s good stress and bad stress, physical stress and mental stress and stress from illness and injury. You might be saying to yourself, “Then where’s the good news?”

It’s right here in this blog. We’re going to touch on...

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Active and Pain Free Aging with The MELT Method Jul 31, 2024

I’ve been a MELT Method™ Instructor since 2013. I can honestly say MELT has changed my life and the lives of my clients. MELT is a simple and gentle self-treatment method that hydrates your connective tissue (think fascia) and helps to rebalance your nervous system. It enhances...

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Embracing a New Chapter: How The MELT Method Empowers Women Over 50 May 07, 2024

In my work with female clients over the age of 50, I have seen for years how implementing The MELT Method into their daily routine has helped in so many ways. Daily living causes dehydration in our connective tissue. Our sensory nerve endings live in the connective tissue. When the environment...

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Hip Stability and Mobility to Prevent Pain May 01, 2024

Getting strong as we age is important. But creating strength without stability is like building a million-dollar house on a straw foundation. You need stability and mobility, then strength. As we age this becomes even more important. If you've ever had someone tell you they all of a sudden hurt...

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Wisdom and Wellness: Holistic Approaches to Pain Relief for Women Over 50 Apr 17, 2024

As we grow older it doesn't mean we have to feel older. Aging doesn’t have to equate to aches and pains and suffering. It is essential to acknowledge that physiological changes in the body will occur over time. As we age our bodily systems undergo gradual wear and tear. The cumulative...

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Joint Pain in Menopause Mar 06, 2024

Menopause is a unique experience for every woman marked with changes that extend beyond hot flashes and mood swings. One often overlooked aspect of this stage is joint pain. As the body undergoes hormonal fluctuations and estrogen levels decline this can contribute to joint stiffness and pain.


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3 Simple and Effective Ways to Reduce Stress for Women Over 50 Dec 22, 2023

For women over 50, managing stress is not just beneficial; it's essential for maintaining a healthy and balanced life! In this phase of life, stress can stem from various sources, but the good news is that it can be managed effectively. Let's get into three practical but effective methods to...

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