Aging Well: Benefits of Living the 6 Pillars Lifestyle Sep 04, 2024

What’s most important to you as you age in regard to your health, happiness and wellbeing?

Is it disease prevention?

Joint mobility and balance?

Weight loss or maintenance?

Bone health?

Strength and power to keep you active and pain free so that you can continue to enjoy all that life has...

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Achieving Your Health Goals: Tailoring Exercise for Menopause Success Aug 27, 2024

Are you still exercising the way you did ten or twenty years ago? Or do you think it’s too late to start? Exercise is an important part of aging well and staying strong. This blog covers why it’s important to exercise as we age, even if you haven’t been previously active....

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The Importance of Nutrition for Weight Loss for Women Over 50 Aug 21, 2024

When it comes to weight loss, especially for women over 50, nutrition plays a critical role. This is why Nutrition is one of my 6 Pillars of Wellness. As we age, our bodies go through changes that affect how we metabolize food, how we store fat, and even how we feel after a meal. Understanding...

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The Importance of Quality Sleep for Women in Their 50's and Beyond Aug 14, 2024

We’ve all heard the phrase “I slept like a baby.” but as we know, babies don’t always sleep that well. As women enter their 50’s and beyond, sleep can become even more elusive due to the challenges of menopause and other factors. In this post, we’ll explore the...

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The Role of Stress Relief for Women 50 Plus: Wellness, Weight Loss and Pain Free Aging Aug 07, 2024

Stress comes in all shapes and forms. There’s good stress and bad stress, physical stress and mental stress and stress from illness and injury. You might be saying to yourself, “Then where’s the good news?”

It’s right here in this blog. We’re going to touch on...

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Active and Pain Free Aging with The MELT Method Jul 31, 2024

I’ve been a MELT Method™ Instructor since 2013. I can honestly say MELT has changed my life and the lives of my clients. MELT is a simple and gentle self-treatment method that hydrates your connective tissue (think fascia) and helps to rebalance your nervous system. It enhances...

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Unlocking a Healthier You: Mastering Mindset for Weight Loss After 50 Jul 24, 2024

Reaching health and weight loss goals can be a challenging journey, especially after we turn 50. However, the key to success often lies not just in the physical steps taken, but in the mindset we adopt along the way. The power of a positive mindset and being open to adopting new healthy habits...

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The Hiddens Dangers of Belly Fat for Women Over 50 and How to Combat It Jul 16, 2024

As we age, it can become more difficult to manage our weight. Hormonal changes, a more sedentary lifestyle and a slowing metabolism can all contribute to weight gain. One of the biggest concerns in this age group is the accumulation of belly fat. This isn’t just about aesthetics, belly fat,...

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Transform Your Body: Salad Hacks for Women Over 50 to Shed Pounds and Gain Strength Jul 10, 2024

Eating a salad sounds healthy, and it can be. However, some salads pack as many calories and as much fat and sodium as a fast-food burger. This blog post shares tips to use when eating out and when shopping for your own salad creations. Take control of what you’re putting in your salad and,...

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Holistic Approaches to Living with Hashimoto's Disease Jul 02, 2024
Maria Rigo is a health coach with a hormonal health specialty and a MELT Method Instructor with over 23 years of experience in the health, fitness and wellness industry. 

 Living with Hashimoto’s can be challenging and as I’ve experienced over the last 30 years, the effects...

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Preventing or Living with Osteoporosis and Osteopenia Jun 26, 2024

Maria Rigo is a Health Coach with 23 years of experience in the fitness and wellness industry.


Bone health is often overlooked in our overall health and wellness, but it plays a crucial role in living a vibrant and healthy life. As we age our bones naturally lose density and strength. Add...

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Mindful Eating Techniques for Weight Loss After 50 Jun 19, 2024

What is Mindful Eating

You may recognize this scenario. You’ve been working all morning and all of a sudden you’re starving. You only have 20 minutes for lunch so you decide to work through lunch while eating your salad or sandwich. You’re proud that you’re multitasking...

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